Tuesday, September 16, 2014


                                                         Some signs say stop
                                           Others are blank
                                         Some have patterns
                                           For cars to follow
                                                   them faintly
                                                   from cars

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Storms are horrible

I don't like rough scary storms

Thunder and lightning

Lightning flashing fast and hard

Crashing on my lovely house 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

time to be creative!

I'm playing how many faces can you make! *-* ^_^  (=  )= I=     ~_~  time for the big one!!!!   o_o


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

http://newsite.nelsoncentral.school.nz/login/reset/4/dqFiem3SbzfWmXz19qHKEmpBs7d2xglNuwaexAba1W Go there

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

On Friday the thirteenth Nelson Central school had their Cross Country I hope you will like my writing          
Cool shoes

Running fast

Over- taking

Some slipping

Such sliding

Courses are hard

On track

Under twentieth

Nobody can beat me

Too fast

Ruthless runners

You're thirteenth.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


I am 0 1 year old's are my hero.I am 1 my life has only just begun.Now I'm 2 still very new.Now I'm 3 I'm hardly me.Now I'm 4 I can open the door.Now I'm 5 I'm totally alive.Now I'm 6 I can eat 2 Wheat Bix.Now I'm 7 my life is like heaven.Now 8 my counting is great.Now I'm 9 and I can rime.


 Today my class did hockey skills we played a game called tunnle ball . The record was twenty seven until our class showed up.We showed them that geting thirty was a lot harder to beat.Tomorow I will be getting my early

AMP show

Last year my school entered creaions for the AMP show.One of friends won the AMP show.When my friend won his face looked like this ^_^.Yes I know his face didn't look like the face before just kidding his face looked like that mwhahahaha cough cough cogh choke.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


On Sunday I went on a treasure hunt and I went on a running machine .I had lots of laughs and  tackled two of the Nelson Marcos .                                                          

My class

Hi my name is Jude. I'm 8 years old and I'm just about old enugh to go on the gokarts  by myself. I going to be 9 soon.I love birthdays because you get lots of gifts and you are one year older. My friends names are Lachie , Stan , Sam , Zandi and Archie.